This Wall Shall Fall - Femi Fani Kayode

This Wall Shall Fall - Femi Fani Kayode: Главное 
It is 25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall and since the world was returned to safety and sanity. Thank God for His awesome power and for His final victory over the evil empire of communism which boastfully proclaimed that there was no God.
In the same way every wall in our nation Nigeria that stands against God's counsel for our lives and for our people shall eventually fall. No matter how powerful or how untouchable, no matter how wicked and deceitful, no matter how treacherous, cowardly and self-seeking, they will surely fall. And when that time comes, that irrepresable agent of change called truth shall finally emerge and it shall make itself known to all.
It is only when that happens that our people will truly be free and it is only when that occures that lasting and real change, which we so obviously and so desperately need, will come to our beleaugerd and sickly land. This season of butchery, lies, death, mass murder, infanticide, impugnity, insensitivity, persecution, witchunting, disinformation, tribalism, incompetence, laziness, national infirmity coupled with the most vicious form of vindictiveness and pettiness will soon be gone with the wind.
And when that happens, it is at that time that those that believe that they will be in power forever and those that think that they can destroy the lives and dreams of others and shatter the destiny of our great nation will know that they are not God.
Those walls that have been built on deceit and whose deepest and strongest foundations are fortified by the spirit of Jezebel shall soon fall. And we shall all live to see it. The triumph of good over evil is certain. This wall shall fall. It is just a matter of time.


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